Released Versions

The following versions of SiteMesh are currently available.

Please see Installation and Configuration for installation instructions.

CVS Access

The SiteMesh project is hosted at You can browse the CVS tree here. Instructions for checking the code out of CVS are available here.


To build SiteMesh from the sources, you must have the Java SDK version 1.4 or above, and Jakarta Ant version 1.5 or above.

To build the SiteMesh binaries, change to the sitemesh directory, and type:


If there are any errors, try clearing your classpath and retry.

Upon completion, a directory called dist should have been created which contains sitemesh-{version}.jar (the actual library) and 2 .tld files (tag-library descriptors).

Other build targets include:

ant blank
Builds the blank web-app (dist/sitemesh-blank.war).
ant example
Builds the sample web-app (dist/sitemesh-example.war).
ant docs
Builds the API JavaDoc and copies the documentation (dist/docs/).
ant changelog
Generates a changelog for the last 80 days (dist/docs/changelog.html).